Computer opponents

eXtreme Gammon

GammonSite exclusively features eXtreme Gammon
eXtreme Gammon is the world leading backgammon program. It is the tool of reference for all the top players in the world.
Not only it is the strongest program but also (and by far) the fastest!
Check these independent studies here

Get eXtreme Gammon for your PC to analyze your games played on GammonSite (or other site) and improve your skills.

Download XG

For all Players

eXtreme Gammon is "always available" to play Guests and Members. You can choose to play at any level, beginner to world-class. All matches are non-rated.

For Members only

  • XG Champion - (Champion Level) plays rated and non-rated matches with Members only
  • XG Expert - (Expert Level) plays rated and non-rated matches with Members only
  • XG-Intermediate. - (Intermediate Level) plays rated and non-rated matches with Members only
  • XG Beginner - (Beginner Level) plays rated and non-rated matches with Members only and with a elo lower than 1650

GammonSite features a Professor and a Coach as valuable learning tools and challenging opponents. Both the Professor and the Coach offer comments to the opponent during the game.


XG-Professor will play non-rated matches with Members only and will give advice at any time during the game by typing "Help" or "H" in the Kibitz window.


XG-Coach plays rated and non-rated matches with Members only and will comment after your move. letting you know when you made a mistake